“Content” means all information (such as data files, written text, computer software, music, audio files or other sounds, photographs, videos or other images) which You may have access to as part of, or through Your use of, the Website;
“the ECT Act” means the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002;
“Electronic Communication” means any text, voice, sound, image or video message sent over an electronic communications network which can be stored in the network or in the recipient’s terminal equipment until it is collected by the recipient or on the recipient’s behalf;
“Intellectual Property” means, collectively, the patents, copyrights (and moral rights), trademarks, designs, models, brands, names, trade names, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, Know-how, trade secrets and any other type of intellectual property (whether registered or unregistered including applications for and rights to obtain or use same) which We own, license, use and/or hold (whether or not currently) in relation to the Website;
“ReCharge” means the ReCharge Group which comprises ReCharge Limited (a limited liability company registered in accordance with the company laws of the Republic of South Africa), ReCharge plc (a limited liability company registered in accordance with the company laws of England and Wales) and their subsidiaries and associated companies from time to time (more information may be found at about-us);
“ReCharge’s Associates” means ReCharge’s officers, servants, agents or contractors or other persons in respect of whose actions ReCharge may be held to be vicariously liable;
“Know-how” means all the ideas, designs, documents, diagrams, information, devices, technical and scientific data, secrets and other processes and methods We use in connection with the Website, as well as, all available information regarding marketing and promotion of the products and services described in these Terms, as well as all and any modifications or improvements to any of them;
“Losses” means all losses (including, but not limited to those in respect of injury, damage to physical property or loss of life), liabilities, costs, expenses, fines, penalties, damage, damages and claims, and all related costs and expenses (including legal fees on the scale as between attorney and own client, tracing and collection charges, costs of investigation, interest and penalties);
“Our” refers to You and Us;
“Post” means to upload, publish, transmit, share or store;
“Terms” means these terms of service, as amended from time to time;
“Third Party” means parties other than You and ReCharge (“Third Parties” shall have a corresponding meaning);
“vThird Party Websites” means websites other than the Website and which are operated or controlled by Third Parties;
“Trademarks” means those trademarks ReCharge owns (or which We are designated as beneficial owner of) and any other trademarks, designs, logos, style names, tag lines and slogans which We own or have the right to use or any derivative service offerings of, and applications for, any of same;
“use” when used in the context of –
the Website, means to visit or load the Website in a web browser, mobile phone or similar software application or device or otherwise engage with the Website;
Content, means to copy, download, distribute, display, view, modify, adapt, load in a web browser, mobile phone, software application or device or to otherwise engage with and/or manipulate such Content;
“User” and “You” means, in the context of content or the Website, anyone who registers with and/or uses the Website (“Users” and “Your” have corresponding meanings);
“We” means You and ReCharge (“Us” bears a corresponding meaning);
“Website” means the website located at or accessed through ReCharge as well as other ReCharge domains as may be available from time to time.